Monday, April 03, 2006

This Ugly Man is not Egyptian

Take a good look at this picture. Can a human being get any uglier? Can you see how devilish his gaze is? Can you see how vile and vicious this man is? This hateful man considers himself Egyptian and I doubt it. I am sure he is a descendent of Arabs who invaded and raped Egypt. His great grandparents are those tent dwellers who used to marry their sisters and who produced the worst “prophet” ever lived. Thanks God this ugly man is dying in America’s jails like a scared rat. My common sense and intuition tells me that he does not have an Egyptian lineage. Can we equate that man with ancient Egyptians? I do not think so. Can this man be from the same country that produced Om Kolthoum and Abdel Halim, the most famous Egyptian singers ever lived? No freaken way! Did this man come from the country that gave birth to Adel Imam, the most talented comedian I’ve ever known in my life? No chance.

Omar Abdel Rahman is one of the reasons why Egypt is a screwed up place to live. He represents the decay and decline of my country. I see many ugly bastards like him everyday in Egypt’s street. They wear their disgusting sheets and towels and block the streets for their satanic prayers. They drag their women behind them the same way Americans drag their dogs. They sell their disgusting perfumes that are made from decaying animal products. They also drink camel urine and say that Muhammad used to do that. They marry 4 wives and have many children who grow up to become terrorists like Muhammad Atta. They attack business of Christians and abduct their women. What is wrong with the so called "Moderate Muslims?" How come they are not working to weed out these backward disgusting creatures? I wake up every day terrorized by the screaming of an ugly Muslim cleric who calls people through a loudspeaker in his mosque to pray. No one stops this ass hole and no one cares to do that. Indeed, people are enjoying him.

I have some news for Muslims both moderate and extremists. We won’t put up with your shit. First step is to take the Egyptian government up in the United Nation and second step is to fight back. You will see how we will do that!


Blogger xavier said...

How do you propose to fight back?
Shame them? That'll be a start.
I tend to favour a more violent approach but you'd vehemently disagree with me.

10:29 PM  
Blogger maged salamah said...

A violent approach is inevitible. For the first time ever, Christians Egyptians gathered outside the main cathedral and beat up security forces. I anticipate more outcries.

10:56 PM  
Blogger xavier said...

I suspected as much and the Moslems will be stunned and scared of the intensity of the violence when it finally occurs. Too bad, 1400 years of humilation will create such a reaction.


1:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok. This is insane. I don't agree with putting down Muslims or Islam that's BS. Maged if you want to make a point you shouldn't put down someone's looks that's too stupid and superficial. I can understand some of the anger u might have but any and all points you make look foolish when you put down an entire religion and its followers. I am not Muslim but I have a lot of Muslim friends from Egypt and I think what you are doing is very harmful to COPTIC Christians that you SUPPOSEDLY pretend to care about in your post. Get smart and stop being an idiot.

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Ancient Egyptians you crow about used to marry their sisters and mothers!
while when Islam came to Egypt it stopped this practice

And your calling for Copts who are 9% to attack Muslims who are 91% is pretty insane and irresponsible

11:12 AM  
Anonymous Human being said...

Nice site, but almost seems redundant when you consider all the cult organizations, religions, and nut job individuals forming their own little cults of personality. The commonalities are much more apparent that the differences.
The study of narcissism, or what used to be called psychopathology, really reveals something that strips bare all of these organizations and individual hate campaigns. There is to every entity a common hatred of women, disregard for compassion, and they are all rage driven. I'm not saying some women aren't narcissists; just look at some of the guards of the concentration camps of the nazi regime of the twentieth century. I am saying that the persecution of those biologically gifted with the emotions needed for successful care and nurturance of the young is a standard.
Empathy is something that few people understand the importance of and yet in the writings of many of the people investigating narcissism, the inability to experience empathy is a primary characteristic of the narcissistic principle. What is empathy? The fact of our feeling what others feel. Right now some of you will be assuring yourselves that such a thing does not exist. You'll also be thinking of ways to punish those who will not adhere to your dogma. That is narcissism and it is the detachment of one from the whole, and the love of death because life is lonely and empty and must be shaped to attempt to fill the void. Rage is the temporary fix but depression is it's reason, and every philosophy proposing the destruction of others for any reason is the beginning of insatiable bloodlust because in the end, no one will ever be able to meet the requirements of perfection.
Muhammed certainly meets modern day criteria for narcissistic personality disorder, but so do Michael Jackson, Jim Jones, Hitler, Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, Reverend Moon, Kim Jong Ill, all the Popes, serial killers and I could go on ad nauseum. When we stop mistaking toxic vengeance and detachment from the human race for strength and vision, we will have entered our next phase of social evolution.
The amazing amount of energy these people with false charisma have comes from the fact of their inability to experience empathy. Empathy is a burden. It is a web of connection not just to one but to all; all living beings. Not having to deal with all that empathy really makes every word spoken to others a clinical experiment. The more successful, thought not the most intelligent, become adept at making speeches and calculating their affect so as to ensure the proper effect. What is the proper effect every narcissist requires for satiation? Worship. It's worship and they're all gods.
Get to that and it becomes possible to truly know god for the river god is, of life and learning, and to know god then is to know that worship is completely unnecessary.

1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Islam is a great religion. I am a muslim and I am a girl and I don't wear hejab. That doesn't make me a satanist or a bad person and I wear my hair down for my self not for men to comment or flirt with me. Islam is not forcing us to do anything. Its your choice to pray and fast. I know my religion quite well and no one can ever say its a bad religion its just like the other two religions. No fool fool can just talk about islam in that way unless he knows the religion quite well. And if you want to start talking about religion then take a good look on your religion. If you really know islam and prophet mohammed (pbuh) you would really appreciate him and know how great he is. And I as a muslim disagree with the brotherhood that is all over my beloved county Egypt. I lived in Egypt my entire life and I seriously belive that it was much better when the brotherhood wasn't controlling egypt. For all the people who think that muslims and egyptians are uncivilized or undemocratic people well sorry to tell you we are not. Normal men in egypt (not following the brotherhood) don't marry 4 women just 1 and they respect them just like any american. Muslims and egyptians are completely kind and nice. I traveled to many countries and I love the people here and the religion. Don't let people who don't know anything about our religion mislead you in any way. Many egyptians are under the spell of the brotherhood no one can deny this. But other people like my family and my self are not under their spell many people curse them. We are very civilized not because all of the brotherhood are so fucked up and not educated makes us all the same ! Fuck them ! They ruin our religion they think that they can talk in the name of islam ! I really hate them and most of the people in my area. And btw I am only 13 years old. No one dares to talk in a bad way about my religion I won't do anything but god will and I am 100% sure about that.

8:50 AM  

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