Thursday, April 20, 2006

Is Islam a Mental Disorder?

The lawyers of Zakarrius Moussaoui, the 20th hijacker of the Sepetmeber 11th terrorist attacks, argued that he has a paranoid schizophrenia. In an effort to verify their claim, they invited a psychiatrist to testify that this is the case.
Mhamoud Salah eldeen the Muslim who attacked Coptic Christians in 3 Alexandria churches was branded as a mentally ill person.
These 2 different examples are not a coincidence. I have argued for a very long time that Islam is bad for one’s mental health. It injects people with fear and this fear is overwhelming. Can you imagine, Among the descriptors of Allah are the humiliator, and the vengeful. A Muslim is not allowed to leave his/her religion since Islamic law encourages the killing of apostates. The Quran also scares people by telling them that everyone will go to hell for some time and then Muhammad will talk to Allah and let them into heaven. As a result of this immense fear instilled in the Muslim’s heart, one becomes obsessed and paranoid. S/he also suspects people and wants to destroy them. If you are following the Moussoui’s trial you can see the utter hate that this miscreant have for Christians and Jews, and how this hate was derived from the Qu-ran. How sad!


Blogger xavier said...

In Moussoui's case, it's the dad that caused the family's anguish. 2 of children are paranoid schizophrenics. Surprisingly one of them is a daughter (this type of mmental illness is a male thing) I see his situation as an illustration of the importance of dads particularly good one.

In any case, I do agree with you that islam is very insular and fears the OTHER (or hate the OTHER). Nor does it help that islamic religious doctrine enforces the closemindedmness

I'm struck by the words in Genesis 12 with respect to Ismael's behaviour.

5:04 PM  
Blogger maged salamah said...

Hey Xavuer,
Long time no see buddy. Good to hear from you again. I understand that Moussoui was vulnerable to become mentally ill as a result of his father's mistreatment of him, but Islam had turned him to a monster.

5:56 PM  
Blogger xavier said...

Perhaps. What struck me is how unfeeling he is. I wonder if this emotional state is common in Moslem societies?

9:27 PM  
Blogger maged salamah said...

I can see how he comes across as unfeeling, but he actually had many outbursts during the court proceedings. In fact, he made fun of a woman who worked for the Pentagon and shamed her for crying. He also screamed at his lawyers and accuse them of conspiring against him! I guess you are pointing to his disregard for the families of the victim of 9/11. The only way I can explain that is to tell you that Islam urges Muslims to de-humanize non-muslim and gloat when they suffer. I guess he is a psychopath like his prophet.

6:41 AM  
Blogger xavier said...

You're correct. I remember the recent outburst where he insulted his lawyer. I also recall when he was so grotesque towards the judge because she was a women.
Is this how Moslem men really act or is Moussoui a caricature?

3:52 PM  
Blogger maged salamah said...

the more one becomes muslim the more angry s/he becomes. It is part of the Jihady mind set

7:10 PM  
Blogger xavier said...

Where does anger come from? Does it come from a sense of helplessness? (I'm struck by the passage in Koran 51:57)That God want nothing from humans other than worship? The long list of prohibitions that inhibit any joy?


11:09 PM  
Blogger maged salamah said...

Xavier,worshipping Allah means that you do everything he tells you, including forcing others to follow your faith even if you have to wage wars for that. Worshipping in this case does not have a spiritual meaning- It has a jihady meaning

7:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

5:58 AM  
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1:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read on a virulent radical muslim site run by some mullah that the ones to recruit are: the not very intelligent, prisoners, blacks because they feel disenfranchised in the west, and the mentally ill. This guy fits the latter. Also centuries of inbreeding causing severe mental illness.

11:51 PM  

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